20 Mar

New principles in regards to the most extreme number of utilizations for a Certificat de sélection du Québec that wil be gotten by the Ministère and their handling need will be as a result for the period April 1, 2015 to March 31,2016.

The guidelines with respect to the most extreme number of utilizations that will be gotten by the Ministère don't in any capacity mirror an adjustment in Québec's movement goals. By constraining the quantity of uses got, the Ministère will have the option to process a more prominent number of pending applications in this way lessening preparing times.

Capture* If you have propelled halfway information on French exhibited by a government sanctioned test perceived by the Ministère, your application isn't dependent upon the new guidelines and you can present your application whenever between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.

** You can present your application whenever on the off chance that you are in either of the circumstances determined in the Permanent specialists area.

Financial specialists

The admission time frame for applications submitted under the Investor Program is from August 31, 2015 to January 29, 2016 (just the Ministère's seal will establish evidence of the date of receipt of your application).

The Ministère will get a limit of 1750 applications for a choice endorsement under the Investor Program, including a limit of 1200 from candidates from China (counting Hong Kong and Macao).

Financial specialist candidates who illustrate, by methods for a test perceived by the Ministère, that they have a propelled halfway information on French, are not dependent upon this most extreme number of utilizations and can present their application whenever. These applications will get need preparing.

Business visionaries


Between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016, the Ministère will get a limit of 150 applications for a determination endorsement under the Entrepreneur Program (just the Ministère's seal will establish evidence of the date of receipt of your application). Any applications got past this cutoff will be come back to the candidates.

Business visionary candidates who illustrate, by methods for a test perceived by the Ministère, that they have a propelled transitional information on French, are not dependent upon this most extreme number of utilizations and can present their application whenever. These applications will get need preparing.

If it's not too much trouble contact Devisers Immigration for additional data and qualification criteria by telephone: +971 (0) 553 282 618 OR email: info@devisers.org.uk

* The email will not be published on the website.