05 Apr

It's common knowledge that Dubai Investment Real Estate owned over the mid to long term add value to an overall investment portfolio, and that our home is also our most valued asset...which is why the number of people contemplating property investment has gradually risen around the world. The majority of media stories on property investment appear to concentrate on how to purchase a specific property, which countries have evolving real estate markets, and where the majority of investors are looking this year for the lowest priced, fastest appreciating property properties. However, little, if any, report on how an owner might profit from a specific property market. Questions like 'will you make money from tourism if you buy in the Czech Republic?', 'what about local demand for housing in the Ukraine?', 'is the government going to make purchasing easier now that Romania and Bulgaria are in the EU?', and 'does this mean more local buyers want resale property stock?' are never asked, when they should be. After all, it's all very well reading online that property prices in Dubai have risen dramatically year on year since the announcement that foreigners will own freehold property assets in the emirate, and then quickly hunting down any real estate that you can afford to buy in the hopes of reaping dividends - but did you know that Duba is currently experiencing infrastructure issues? It's one thing for us to choose to invest in property, and it's another thing for the media to write about all these random countries around the globe where there's supposedly the opportunity to make a profit from real estate - so how can we really determine if there's a target customer base likely to demand our property after we've invested in it? Potential property buyers not only have to do their due diligence on which countries have an active real estate marketplace but they need to decide whether these countries give them political and economic stability, the right to own freehold real estate and the right to take income generated from property out of the region. A potential investor must do research into real estate taxes, rental income taxation, and capital gains taxation, and, most generally, a potential investor must examine a country's property market and decide if they can benefit from it. Is it sensible to buy to let, is it wise to buy to rent to visitors, should one buy run-down stock and renovate for resale, or should one buy off-the-plan properties and flip them after they are completed? This is the questions that an investor can pose whether they want to discover the right Real Estate Companies in Dubai opportunities anywhere on the planet.

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